Control Points Manager

The control_points module provides helper functions for managing control points. It is a better alternative to the compatibility module for managing control points. Please refer to the following class references for more details.

Class Reference

class geomdl.control_points.AbstractManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Abstract base class for control points manager classes.

Control points manager class provides an easy way to set control points without knowing the internal data structure of the geometry classes. The manager class is initialized with the number of control points in all parametric dimensions.

All classes extending this class should implement the following methods:

  • find_index

This class provides the following properties:

This class provides the following methods:


Control points.

Please refer to the wiki for details on using this class member.

Getter:Gets the control points
Setter:Sets the control points

Finds the array index from the given parametric positions.


This is an abstract method and it must be implemented in the subclass.


Gets the control point from the given location in the array.

get_ptdata(dkey, *args)

Gets the data attached to the control point.

  • dkey – key of the attachment dictionary
  • dkey – str

Resets/initializes the internal control points array.

set_ctrlpt(pt, *args)

Puts the control point to the given location in the array.

Parameters:pt (list, tuple) – control point
set_ptdata(adct, *args)

Attaches the data to the control point.

  • adct – attachment dictionary
  • adct – dict
class geomdl.control_points.CurveManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: geomdl.control_points.AbstractManager

Curve control points manager.

Control points manager class provides an easy way to set control points without knowing the internal data structure of the geometry classes. The manager class is initialized with the number of control points in all parametric dimensions.

B-spline curves are defined in one parametric dimension. Therefore, this manager class should be initialized with a single integer value.

# Assuming that the curve has 10 control points
manager = CurveManager(10)

Getting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = spline.ctrlpts_size_u

# Generate control points manager
cpt_manager = control_points.SurfaceManager(size_u)
cpt_manager.ctrlpts = spline.ctrlpts

# Control points array to be used externally
control_points = []

# Get control points from the spline geometry
for u in range(size_u):
    pt = cpt_manager.get_ctrlpt(u)

Setting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = 5

# Create control points manager
points = control_points.SurfaceManager(size_u)

# Set control points
for u in range(size_u):
    # 'pt' is the control point, e.g. [10, 15, 12]
    points.set_ctrlpt(pt, u, v)

# Create spline geometry
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set control points
curve.ctrlpts = points.ctrlpts

Control points.

Please refer to the wiki for details on using this class member.

Getter:Gets the control points
Setter:Sets the control points

Finds the array index from the given parametric positions.


This is an abstract method and it must be implemented in the subclass.


Gets the control point from the given location in the array.

get_ptdata(dkey, *args)

Gets the data attached to the control point.

  • dkey – key of the attachment dictionary
  • dkey – str

Resets/initializes the internal control points array.

set_ctrlpt(pt, *args)

Puts the control point to the given location in the array.

Parameters:pt (list, tuple) – control point
set_ptdata(adct, *args)

Attaches the data to the control point.

  • adct – attachment dictionary
  • adct – dict
class geomdl.control_points.SurfaceManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: geomdl.control_points.AbstractManager

Surface control points manager.

Control points manager class provides an easy way to set control points without knowing the internal data structure of the geometry classes. The manager class is initialized with the number of control points in all parametric dimensions.

B-spline surfaces are defined in one parametric dimension. Therefore, this manager class should be initialized with two integer values.

# Assuming that the surface has size_u = 5 and size_v = 7 control points
manager = SurfaceManager(5, 7)

Getting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = spline.ctrlpts_size_u
size_v = spline.ctrlpts_size_v

# Generate control points manager
cpt_manager = control_points.SurfaceManager(size_u, size_v)
cpt_manager.ctrlpts = spline.ctrlpts

# Control points array to be used externally
control_points = []

# Get control points from the spline geometry
for u in range(size_u):
    for v in range(size_v):
        pt = cpt_manager.get_ctrlpt(u, v)

Setting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = 5
size_v = 3

# Create control points manager
points = control_points.SurfaceManager(size_u, size_v)

# Set control points
for u in range(size_u):
    for v in range(size_v):
        # 'pt' is the control point, e.g. [10, 15, 12]
        points.set_ctrlpt(pt, u, v)

# Create spline geometry
surf = BSpline.Surface()

# Set control points
surf.ctrlpts = points.ctrlpts

Control points.

Please refer to the wiki for details on using this class member.

Getter:Gets the control points
Setter:Sets the control points

Finds the array index from the given parametric positions.


This is an abstract method and it must be implemented in the subclass.


Gets the control point from the given location in the array.

get_ptdata(dkey, *args)

Gets the data attached to the control point.

  • dkey – key of the attachment dictionary
  • dkey – str

Resets/initializes the internal control points array.

set_ctrlpt(pt, *args)

Puts the control point to the given location in the array.

Parameters:pt (list, tuple) – control point
set_ptdata(adct, *args)

Attaches the data to the control point.

  • adct – attachment dictionary
  • adct – dict
class geomdl.control_points.VolumeManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: geomdl.control_points.AbstractManager

Volume control points manager.

Control points manager class provides an easy way to set control points without knowing the internal data structure of the geometry classes. The manager class is initialized with the number of control points in all parametric dimensions.

B-spline volumes are defined in one parametric dimension. Therefore, this manager class should be initialized with there integer values.

# Assuming that the volume has size_u = 5, size_v = 12 and size_w = 3 control points
manager = VolumeManager(5, 12, 3)

Gettting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = spline.ctrlpts_size_u
size_v = spline.ctrlpts_size_v
size_w = spline.ctrlpts_size_w

# Generate control points manager
cpt_manager = control_points.SurfaceManager(size_u, size_v, size_w)
cpt_manager.ctrlpts = spline.ctrlpts

# Control points array to be used externally
control_points = []

# Get control points from the spline geometry
for u in range(size_u):
    for v in range(size_v):
        for w in range(size_w):
            pt = cpt_manager.get_ctrlpt(u, v, w)

Setting the control points:

# Number of control points in all parametric dimensions
size_u = 5
size_v = 3
size_w = 2

# Create control points manager
points = control_points.VolumeManager(size_u, size_v, size_w)

# Set control points
for u in range(size_u):
    for v in range(size_v):
        for w in range(size_w):
            # 'pt' is the control point, e.g. [10, 15, 12]
            points.set_ctrlpt(pt, u, v, w)

# Create spline geometry
volume = BSpline.Volume()

# Set control points
volume.ctrlpts = points.ctrlpts

Control points.

Please refer to the wiki for details on using this class member.

Getter:Gets the control points
Setter:Sets the control points

Finds the array index from the given parametric positions.


This is an abstract method and it must be implemented in the subclass.


Gets the control point from the given location in the array.

get_ptdata(dkey, *args)

Gets the data attached to the control point.

  • dkey – key of the attachment dictionary
  • dkey – str

Resets/initializes the internal control points array.

set_ctrlpt(pt, *args)

Puts the control point to the given location in the array.

Parameters:pt (list, tuple) – control point
set_ptdata(adct, *args)

Attaches the data to the control point.

  • adct – attachment dictionary
  • adct – dict